~The Print Painter~
Commission Painting Services
The Print Painter prides itself on quality commissions done quickly. We also ensure consistent communication is available throughout the process. This helps us ensure that you are satisfied with your commission from start-to-finish.
Once you complete the commission painting request HERE, you can expect these next steps:
You should receive an email confirming your submitted request. Within 1-2 days, you can expect a commission estimate.
If you choose to approve your estimate, The Print Painter will add you the commission queue.
Once your position in queue advances, The Print Painter will provide an invoice for your deposit and will begin your commission.
Once the commission is complete and approved, a final invoice is sent with tracking information. Your commission will ship upon final payment.
At the end of the day, we realize our responsibility is to bring your ideas to life and we love doing it!
Q: How do I start the process?
A: If you are interested in commissioning The Print Painter for your painting needs, start off by filling out our form HERE.
Commissions require deposits once begun. Your deposit will not be requested until your position in queue arrives.
Deposits equal the greater value of:
A- 20% total commission.
B- Total of physical models ordered for commission.
Q: Can I buy models through TPP?
A: Of course! All models purchased through TPP receive a 15% MRSP discount, plus you save on shipping! If you decide to buy models for commission through TPP, the models will be included as a separate line item on the invoice.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What if I want to use models I own?
A: If you have already invested in models that you want to have painted by our studio, we can accommodate! When your deposit is received, you will receive a label to ship your items to The Print Painter. Your commission will commence once items are received!
Q: How long does it take?
A: Commissions vary based on scale and quality selections. An estimated queue time and working time will be included with your painting quote. Current queue times are 1-2 weeks to begin commissions (updated February 2024).
Q: What if I don’t like it?!
A: Let’s face it, this is an underlying concern for anyone seeking painting services. While our commission painting services are non-refundable, The Print Painter offers an exclusive opportunity to all customers: the single figure trial*!
If you are unsure and want to boost your confidence, we will paint a Basic Troop Infantry** model of your chosen army in your scheme to send you for $10.
*only available at Tabletop or Tabletop+ levels.
**eligible models provided by The Print Painter for requested armies.